What a fun dessert! A chocolate brownie crust is layered with creamy banana pudding, juicy fruit, and crunchy nuts in this banana split dessert pizza....
A really easy dessert for fall and winter nights, or any time of the year. Great comfort food! Serve in mugs or custard cups, with a dollop of whipped...
This is a delicious variation on a classic made with the light and heavenly Italian Christmas bread. Panettone is similar to brioche but studded with raisins...
A Georgia favorite! Great with everything! Make a lot for large gatherings, it disappears quickly! You can use any kind of nuts you like; adjust the amount...
Let's face it, bread pudding is wildly underrated. And I honestly believe it's because so often, the bread pudding we've experienced in restaurants or...
A friend made this at a Christmas cookie exchange party and is was wonderful! When in season serve with 1 pint strawberries, 1 1/2 pints raspberries, and...
A friend made this for our group and we have been hooked on it ever since. Try it. It's so rich, moist, and easy, you'll be hooked too! Note: I have replaced...
I created this trifle when I had a ton of lemons left over from a party. I made my own lemon curd and then layered it with cream and ladyfingers soaked...
Creamy and oh so good. I make this amount for a group, but you could easily half the recipe. This trifle is best refrigerated several hours or overnight...
Creamy, simple, quick, and kid-friendly dessert. With only 4 ingredients, it's cheap and sure to be a family favorite. This recipe is doubled to fit my...
This is the best finger gelatin recipe. I've been making it for many years. It's simple to make, and kids love it! You can be very creative for parties...
I received this Baileys® cheesecake recipe over 20 years ago from a local caterer. I have made it several times over the years and everyone who tasted...
This is a recipe I discovered about 25 years ago when grape gelatin was hard to find! It's a terrific side dish or a delicious dessert. It's very rich...
This is a delicious and easy dessert to make, short in ingredients and time. This is also a no-bake dessert, which makes it a summertime favorite! Looks...
The most fantastic, EASY candy you can make... sinfully delicious and habit forming. I have only seen this fail once, and then the disaster was the most...
This classic Italian tiramisu is the only recipe you'll ever need! Luscious mascarpone cheese layered with espresso-soaked sponge fingers, with a touch...
A friend taught me to make this years ago - without a recipe. It is very quick and easy. The sweet, creamy salad is great as a cool, refreshing side dish...